The Kawasaki Environment Research Institute hosts the Kawasaki International Eco-Business Forum as an occasion to exchange and disseminate information on cutting-edge decarbonization technologies developed by companies in Kawasaki City and decarbonization initiatives in and outside of Japan, among other such topics.
Taking this 20th milestone as an opportunity to reexamine Kawasaki’s current position and consider whether it can maintain its competitiveness in the environmental business in the next era, this year’s forum will focus on the transition to decarbonized management, which began in Kawasaki. From the financial perspective with regard to large companies and SMEs that shape Kawasaki’s industries, we will hold a panel discussion to shed light on issues and strategies for coming out on top in this major transition period.
The forum will be part of the first day’s events at the 16th Kawasaki International Eco-Tech Fair, which will be held at the same venue. Participation is free, so please feel free to join us.
Overview of the 20th Kawasaki International Eco-Business Forum
Date & Time
10:50-12:20(Japan Time), 15th (Wed) November 2023
Shift to Decarbonized Management Started in Kawasaki
-Issues and Strategies being Addressed by Companies and Financial Institutions-
The forum will be held at an onsite venue with a live audience and live streaming over the Internet (Japanese/English).
Main Conference Hall 1-3, 1st floor, Culttz Kawasaki (1-1-4 Fujimi, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki City)
100 (advance registration, first-come-first-served basis) *Everyone is welcome to attend. Same-day registration will be accepted if seats are available on the day of the forum.
Admission Fee
Please access the form below to register.
Registration Form
Registration Deadline
13th (Mon) November 2023*Registration will close when all seats are filled.
【Opening Address】
Norihiko FUKUDA, Mayor of Kawasaki City
【Address from the Co-organizer of the Forum】
From Urban Urban-Industrial Symbiosis Sustainable Future in Kawasaki City
-Innovation thorough 20-year Kawasaki International Eco-Business Forums-
Dr. Tsuyoshi Fujita, Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University
【Panel Discussion】
Dr. Tsuyoshi Fujita, Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University
Hiroshi Toyosaki, General Manager, Sustainability (Environmental) Group, Sustainability Development Dept., Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Osamu Sampei, CEO,HIZAKI Kougyo Co., Ltd.
Koji Nakamura, Director, Customer Support Department, The Kawasaki Shinkin Bank
Takashi Matsugami, Senior Deputy General Manager, Business Strategy Department, The Bank of Yokohama, Ltd
Atushi IDA, Director, Decarbonization Strategy Promotion Office, Kawasaki City
Online Streaming Sites
YouTube Live site
English Channel:
Japanese Channel:
*A streaming of the forum will also be available for later viewing on Kawasaki Environment Research Institute’s YouTube channel.

Flyer of the 20th Kawasaki International Eco-Business Forum (PDF file)